Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you get your information?

We draw upon a vast network of information sources, starting with our internal networks of agents, publicists, managers and others with whom we have developed trusted relationships over the last six decades. We review the various trade journals and directories for ongoing projects and productions, inferring and gathering information on availability and appropriate contacts for people on the move. We then add information from published sources that are confirmed directly and updated in our database. Finally, we speak to the celebrities themselves, with whom we have also built trusted personal relationships.

How do I submit events and arrivals of celebrities to your bulletin and datebook?

» Datebook events for New York: or 212-757-7979
» Bulletin arrivals for New York: or 212-757-7979
» Datebook events for Los Angeles: or 323-957-0508
» Bulletin arrivals for Los Angeles: or 323-957-0508

Who uses your services?

» Film studios, TV shows, and radio stations use us for casting and publicity
» Newspapers, magazines and talk shows use us to identify and contact guests and subjects for stories and appearances
» Agents, managers and publicists use us to promote their celebrities and find new faces
» Hotels, fashion designers, and charities use us to promote their brand or cause

Why do I read about events that are not listed in the Celebrity Bulletin and Datebook?

Some events are private and at the request of the publicist or event planner we have been asked to limit exposure and not add it to our Celebrity Bulletin or the Celebrity Datebook

What if, after all that, you still don’t have the people I’m looking for?

We’ll find them, provided they fit our criteria of “celebrity.” As our founder Earl Blackwell often said, “A celebrity is someone who needs no further identification.” If a subscriber is looking for someone who is not in our files, we will track them down and add them to our database.